Monday, October 29, 2007

Texting can be competitive

At one point in the game, Travis and I were both standing up and actively engaged in our texting. All of a sudden I felt a presence standing near me to the left. I looked over and a man was standing next to me pretending to send a text. I looked at him quizzically and he said, "What? What??" I asked, "What are you doing?" He replied, "I thought we were texting here. I can totally text faster than you." I said, "Fine- GO!" We both started texting frantically and of course Travis never even noticed any of this happening he was so engrossed in his messaging. I pretended I was typing and then all of a sudden I shouted, "DONE!" The guy looked really disappointed, but admitted I had beaten him fair and square. Basically, I am now the World Series Texting Champion. After he walked away, Travis looked up and asked, "Who was that?"

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