Monday, April 21, 2008

Shishtian Multz

I was just looking at some pictures of a bunch of my friends in DC at a birthday party when all of a sudden a shadowy figure from my past, lurking in the background of this photo, stood out to me as if a spotlight was shining on him.

"Shishtian Multz??? (If you EVER lived in DC you should be able to figure this one out.) Are you kidding me - that predator is still going to singles parties?" I thought with disgust.

And then I paused. Swallowed. And felt sick. I AM SHISHTIAN MULTZ. I'm not any younger, I haven't been in the singles scene any shorter, and if I lived in DC, I probably would have been at that party.

So how many people scanning blogs or other awesome web 2.0 areas see my face suddenly jump out at them and think, "Shauri Quinn is STILL at those singles events? What a predator!" Ok - maybe not the predator part. I kind of wish that was true. It's not.

I hate when reality smacks me in the face like that.


Robin said...

Uh yes, I do know who you are talking about and no, I don't think you will ever be placed in the same category... you are not a predator... you are a magnet of fun!

jamie said...

ditto, seriously, you could and would NEVER be placed in the same category as him. EVER! Besides you could never be a predator, that title is reserved for the guys, right? No, you're just bitter. ;) love your guts!

Kristen said...

Shauri! I love reading your blog. Your writing is incredible and creates so many emotions. I hope you don't mind me adding you to my list of blogs. It brightens my day!

Kristen Wilde Whitesides

Kris said...

You do have some predatory tendencies now that I think about it...but typically it's related to the refreshment tables at the singles parties, not the 20 + year old singles. ( :

H&M Bush said...

I laughed out loud when I realized who you were talking about. Don't ever compare yourself to him. You are in different galaxies...and yours is much better! :)

Teresa said...

Hey Shauri-
I just happened to google my name (as I do from time to time........ working in law enforcment, its good to know what's out there about me).
And I was shocked to see my name in reference to a traumatic sleepover. Now, let me tell you, I remember it well!!! Who hit me with the cookware?? I still resent that!
We should chat. I dont yet have time to read much more than the sleepover story, but I will (its late tonight). We have alot to talk about. Coincidentally, I spoke of you the other day...(fondly, of course)..... whooo whooo!

Shauri said...

Teresa! I know the blogging world was going to pay off and bring my slumber partner in crime back to me. :) How do I contact you? I would love to talk! And I won't bring cookware.

Teresa said...

Shauri- email me at
You always make me laugh!


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