Tuesday, May 20, 2008

That's Hamptonality!

Last week in Memphis, we were doing a film shoot with the leadership team at Hampton. Bryan Moon was present,and as always, the little wheels in his head were spinning the whole time.

As a very important and wizened "learnagist" he is always looking for ways to contribute and to make a project better. In the video below, during my interview with Gina, you can see the wonderful contribution he made.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's Hamptonality. Hamptonality that Gina no doubt found to be a truly "unanticipated delight." And in the last month between the Rooties "confessional" where Bryan showcased his awesome naked chest and this video, I think I've come to know him in ways I never could have anticipated or hoped for. Although I am clear now on what not to hope for.


Delsa said...

Shauri, I want you to know that I had already changed my name before you wrote that e-mail. It's just that you hadn't blogged for a few days so that I could show off my skill.
By the way, I'm proud of your hike to the Y - and then to do it twice - you must be crazy.

Lisa said...

I love her reaction!

EFN Newsletter said...

I really wish I could have been there for that. Fantastic.


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