Thursday, August 7, 2008

Paris for Prez

As I was driving to work this morning I heard a talk show chatting about a new ad that was created on It stars Paris Hilton (uh-huh) and is a reaction to McCain and his stupid comment about her being "Barrack Obama's kind of celebrity" AFTER her father contributed much $$ to McCain's campaign. Talk about estupido.

Anywho, Paris does a great job, and frankly, I'm bought in to her energy plan. At this point if she's in the race, she has a strong shot at my vote. Check her out:

I just found the ad McCain made that set her off. Apparently he doesn't outright SAY Obama is like Paris, he just shows her and Britney and says he's the biggest celebrity in the world and implying what that means. If you're interested:

1 comment:

kwallace said...

you know -- i'd vote for paris. her energy policy really speaks to me.


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