Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bees, Keys, and other Fall Fun

Yesterday was a beautiful autumn day in Ann Arbor. About 75 degrees, colors on the trees, and football (if you can call it that) in the air. Jana was in town with her kids, so Lisa and Kristin grabbed all their kids piled 'em in a couple cars with Jana & Co. and headed on down to Dexter to the cider mill. 'Cause aint nothin' that says fall like homemade donuts and fresh cider.

There were a couple of downsides on this otherwise perfect day.

1. Bees also love crisp, fall days and were out in hordes to share in our enjoyment of apples and donuts. Kids were attacked on all sides and one little girl we don't know (but who Jana claims was 15, but looked about 9 or 10) had a complete hysterical breakdown - without being bit - and was carried kicking, crying and screaming to her car. "The Bees! The Bees!!!!"

2. Kristin locked her keys in the car. Later I discovered from an unknown source that she had not just locked in one set..but all three sets. This may have been an all-time record. Here you can see Kristin enjoying the day...and then not so much.

The good news is, the treats were delightful, and while Kristin waited for AAA to bring her a new key, we all walked over to the Dexter Days Fair where the kids took pony rides, got their faces painted and had a rockin' good time. (see more pics at:

On the way home when Keely asked Kristin what the AAA guy looked like, Kristin, who had just complained that he was 45 minutes late replied, "He was short and dark with beady little eyes." Hmmm...

Ah, Autumn.


Elizabeth Downie said...

That's my favorite cider mill! I go there every fall. But the bees are always a problem :( Although I think that one girl may have over reacted to the situation.

Delsa said...

That sounds like a fun day to me. Poor Kristin- but what would it have mattered whether 1 or all three sets of keys- you still have to call for help.
Apple cider and donuts sound delectable. They don't have cider here, it doesn't get cold enough to grow apples I guess.


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