Monday, January 5, 2009

The Bike Ride

On Monday we did dad's favorite Adelaide activity and rode bikes along the river trail to the beach. It's about a 2 hr bike ride and after Garrett's late night put him in at 1am and his basketball game with the elders got him up at 5:45am, he was in no mood to bike at 10am for 2 painful hours.

Much like dad with the camels, Garrett was given no other option and with a glad heart (see picture) he gracefully acquiesced and came out to meet his 2-wheeled destiny.

I think my favorite part of the trip was dad commenting to Garrett on how beautiful the ride was and then asking Garrett how he liked it. Garrett replied that it would be much better if his thighs weren't "chaffing." Dad was kind enough to answer that at the next stop he would be happy to rub Garrett's thighs for him. You can imagine how Garrett felt about that offer.

When we finally got to the beach we were all exhausted. We were forced to bring our bikes on the beach since dad insisted they would "melt" if we chained them to the car, which was a bit odd, but fine. Mom met us with a picnic lunch and after we all hungrily gobbled down the food all four of us hit the sand hard and in about 2 minutes we were all sacked out. Dad's light snoring testified to that fact as he stretched out with a towel wrapped around his dome, and fully dressed in jeans and his "no worries" t-shirt. We must have looked like refugees---not so much from a country as an asylum.

It was a good trip.


EFN Newsletter said...

So many quirky dadisms in one post. Love it.

Aly said...

I wasn't sure where to reach you on your birthday... hope it was a great day. We were thinking of you. I'll take you to lunch the next time you're in town to celebrate!


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