Sunday, January 6, 2008

Delsa Delights

Happy Birthday Mom!! Since everyone else did a top 10 list on why they love you...well, I'm doing it too. I hate being left out or outshined. I hope you were treated like a Queen and that you kept your clothes on. Which leads to number one...

1. I never met anyone else who takes their clothes off (inadvertantly I think ) so much in public.
2. Creating a home where every kid on the block felt welcomed and wanted to hang, and not being scared when big, strange, black men (Ian's own words) show up on your doorstep at midnight and you're in your pjs.
3. The Snack Closet (That's for Wallace)
4. Your Street Smarts. The way you casually throw out "That's the bomb" in a blog.
5. Your willingness to be my adventure and travel partner. More belly-aching laughs at wildly random things than I can count. (including bird poop in your hair in spain---it's good luck, remember?)
6. Your sense of adventure. How cool is it to tell your friends that your mom went sky diving in her 50's?? (which leads to of course another nudity story for you. Hang 10 baby!)
7. The fact that you can't bear to go to bed if anyone is still up and having a good time. Or not having a good time because "You're afraid if they start having a good time you'll miss it."
8. Your complete and total dedication to your beliefs and the way you share them in the selfless example of your life. I've never met anyone who so fully lives their values and beliefs without hypocrisy.
9. Your style and amazing good looks. (Can I get an amen Gary?) Every friend I've ever had comments on how stylish and hot you are. I mean, come on.
10. How you wrestle the boys when they finally need to be taught a lesson. Yes, you did pin Travis several times. Oh- and Kristin once, when she had a skirt on and you exposed her to Mark. Yup, when a lesson needs to be taught, you do it.

The list could go on, but it's midnight and I'm tired. I love you---have a g'day mate. xoxoxo


EFN Newsletter said...

Now there's a good memory. Nothing like being exposed by your mother.

KA said...

Yeah. It sounds just like a dream come true.

Delsa said...

Thank you my sweet Shauri. Though some of those comments didn't come across as too flattering. We have had some good times together. Thank goodness I called Lisa to find out about my driver's license & she mentioned her Lion King blog or I would have missed this as we are leaving soon for the week.
I love you.

Lisa said...

Oh that Delsa, I sure do miss her. Great top 10!


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