Hope: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. Confident desire. A feeling that something desirable is about to happen.
After a rather surprising conversation last night I felt the need to look up the definition of hope and make sure I understood it's meaning. Let me back up.
Last night I had a girl's night with some of my lady friends in SLC - Shetsy Shennion and Shamy Shoulson. (You know how I try to roll with aliases so I don't incriminate the so clearly guilty.)
We were just passing time with the usual girl night activities, face masks, chocolate (I only had one tiny square I swear) and chatting about our singleton plight. I swear that conversation just never gets old people.
The discussion turned to the kind of male options available to us at this late age, and how truly depressing it was. Shetsy, being a bright-eyed hopeful kind of gal, remained adamant that there was still a lot of hope for us in the dating world. A regular PollyAnna that one. After a few contradictions to her hopeful comments I turned to her and asked her why she still had hope. "Shetsy, why do you still have hope?"
I waited, trying to imagine where she was possibly pulling this optimistic stance from. Certainly not from experience. She looked at me, smiled, and in a cheery voice said, "Shauri, in the next year a LOT of people are going to get divorced."
I have never been more simultaneously shocked and amused. I couldn't believe this a.) came from Shetsy, b.)was a reason for hope or c.)was the best she could do.
I did immediately jump on the bandwagon though and added, "That's right, and people are dying all the time too!" I figured if she took hope from divorce, death couldn't be far behind. Much like the Seinfeld characters who tracked obituaries to get apartments in the rough real estate market, we could track them for dates.
I repeat - Hope: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. Confident desire. A feeling that something desirable is about to happen.
And I add - Shocking. On so many levels.
Editor's note: Shetsy will be appalled and strongly deny this event, as well as what she meant by it, but I am only reporting the facts as I heard them and Ms. Shoulson will concur that this conversation did happen as reported.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hope: Shetsy Style
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8:43 PM
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Ouch, knew this was coming.... Lesson learned: if it's late at night and something silly pops into your head, try not to say it--especially if one of your friends present is a blogger on the world wide web.... Honestly, this is NOT what I meant--I was just trying to give examples of how people can come from all sorts of unexpected places at unexpected moments. I just want it clear that I truly hope all present marriages work out wonderfully and last eternally. :) I'm sorry I ever thought the thought, and even more sorry I ever told miss shmlauri shuinn. :)
Betsy, Betsy, Betsy. You should rest peaceful knowing that NO ONE takes anything I write seriously,and that I have no credibility whatsoever.
But since I know Betsy is a sensitive lady with a kind heart I will say that she definitely doesn't want anyone to get divorced. And even if she did mean that there are unexpected meetings, and not that she was hopeful that people would get divorced this year, the sad fact of the matter is, she was being realistic. Divorcees are our number one hope at this age, and i don't think she should back away from that fact.
Anyway, I'm glad you said it.. Because it is one of the funniest things I've heard for awhile. And since my mom is out of the country I don't have anyone else to blog about in quite this way. You're filling a gap. :)
To adultery & lymphomas in '08!
Hilarious! Shari, I adore your blog...Amber tipped me off to it, I adore your stories and wit and humor! (Jenn J)
It's okay Betsy, I know how much Shauri likes to distort the truth!
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