Wallace, Travis and I were going to go out with Mike C. last night because he is one of the few players that does like to leave his apartment jail and actually get out, but we ended up staying home. (Because we couldn't think of anything to do!)
MC kept texting me to see if we were going to do anything. Let me just add a side note here- I don't get texting. People in this younger generation (I can't believe I'm saying "kids today") use it as their sole form of communication. Remember the silent Thanksgiving dinner? They weren't talking, but they sure were texting each other like mad. In fact one of them texted me! And as I ran across the room to grab my phone to get the urgent call, I was shocked to see the message was from someone sitting three feet away from me, and the message said, "Dinner was really good - thanks. Are you going to California?" I mean I'M SITTING RIGHT THERE- ASK ME!!!! Ok, back to the story.
At one point Mike randomly wrote, "Are you married if you don't mind me asking? Was that your friend that came to Thanksgiving?"
I was with "my friend" (wallace) when I got it and after reading it to her, at first pass, I thought - he must be interested in one of us. Then my little mind kept working and put two and two together and I realized....He thinks I'm a lesbian!! He's asking if we are just friends AND if I'm married!!! I tend to sometimes be impulsive, and Wallace slightly more so, so she insisted I tell him that we are not lesbians immediately. I wrote back and told him just that- I am not married, and I'm not a lesbian if that's what you are implying. He wrote back, "Lesbians? LOL, I just wondered if she was your friend."
Ok, so maybe I'm (I mean we're) a little paranoid. But come on, why would she be at dinner if she wasn't a friend? Of course he continued texting and let me know that he was hoping that all three of us could get together and be "friends". I think he was leaving it open for interpretation, but I chose not to go down that path again with my wild imagination.
As a side note, the activity we finally settled on for the 3 of us was Game Night 2007 live. This came about through the following texted convo:
M.C.: What is there to do in Provo?
Shauri: Well, movies, bowling, rollerskating, shopping, and games.
(I thought the response to this would be radio silence. As in - that's lame.)
M.C.: What kind of games? video?
Shauri: (in my head: he really wants to know what games?) Video games, card games, board games, reindeer games, you name it they love it!
(I figure this will end the conversation. Wrong. Turns out he loves...)
M.C.: What kind of board games?
Shauri (in head: Seriously?) What kind do you like?
M.C.: Monopoly.
(Does anyone else find this hilarious yet? I just can't believe this is real.)
Shauri: Awesome. Any others?
M.C.: Yeah. (Period. That's it, just "yeah.")
Shauri: Ok. Well, I'll tell you what. You, me, Wallace - game night 2007 Live.
I don't know why, but for a guy from the streets of Philly who is used to going out clubbing, has a baby-mama with twins, and is used to doing other, more, errr.. urban activities, it really tickled my funny bone that the activity he latched on to was "board games." And that he actually had one in mind - Monopoly. He's AWESOME! Just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover.
So that's it. Game Night is coming up and it's gonna be hot. I'll keep you posted as I know you are all glued to your seats in anticipation.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Texting = Good Communication
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6:30 PM
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I can hardly wait for the results of that night. Maybe you could invite a few other silent ones. I mean, you don't have to talk too much for Monopoly.
I just sat here and read like your last five blogs to Shawn. That was our game night - good times! I was LOL about the lesbian thing.
You've been tagged...go to my blog to find out what that is.
I don't get the texting thing either. I mean, occasionally I find it useful, when talking is impossible. I watch my younger siblings try to navigate relationships via texting and the subsequent misinterpretation/miscommunication makes me crazy!Isn't communication in relationships difficult enough already?
Oh man, he is going to be pleased as punch when he learns about Big Booty.
i am DYING laughing fully out loud right now. my family cannot figure out what is wrong with me. i don't know what's more hilarious... lesbians or monopoly.
shauri, click over to my blog real quick to see what happened while i was reading this post. thank goodness for shauri quinn. phew!
I'm guessing board game night of all monopoly will get old pretty quick. You have to try the "best board game ever made", Settlers of Catan. Its like monopoly + risk, but only takes like and hour and a half and you are always playing, even during other peoples turns.
So much better than scrabble too.
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